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KRU-Vzryvprom Held an Awarding Ceremony on the Occasion of Miner’s Day

Miner’s Day is a holiday that celebrates all those associated with the coal mining industry. As part of the Miner’s Day celebration, Bachatsky settlement held an awarding ceremony of employees of KRU-Vzryvprom who had significantly contributed to the coal industry in the region.
Evgeny Maslikov, a shotfirer of the blasting section No. 2, was awarded the Honorary title “Honored Miner of the Russian Federation” for his long-term and fruitful work, great personal contribution to the development of the coal industry. He showed a high level of expertise and experience in his field, which allowed him to perform tasks successfully.
Vladimir Vashchenko, a drill rig operator of KRU-Vzryvprom, was awarded a certificate for outstanding service and his photo was put on the company’s Honors Board. Vladimir has been working in the coal industry and for the company for 44 years.
A certificate for listing in the KRU-Vzryvprom Honors Book was awarded to Aleksandr Sliva, a team leader of the drilling and blasting section. Aleksandr Sliva who received the title of the Honored Miner of Russia in 2019 is a full cavalier of the Order of Miner’s Glory of three degrees. “I have always believed that my awards is the achievement of the entire team of shotfirers who make common cause,” says Aleksandr.
“We are especially proud of PEOPLE, our greatest asset! Well-coordinated work of the company’s employees makes it possible to achieve new brilliant wins, set ambitious goals and achieve them!” says Evgeny Borisenko, CEO at KRU-Vzryvprom.
In addition, at the awarding ceremony, other employees who had also contributed to the development of the Kuzbass coal mining industry were awarded with letters of appreciation and honorary certificates. The Scarlet Sails cover band performed the best hits of the past, facilitating the holiday cheer.
By long tradition, the keys to cars were handed out to employees who had excelled in their work and achieved great success. Everyone looked forward to the announcement of lucky owners of new cars!
Congratulations to owners of new Changan CS35 Plus crossovers:

1. Aleksandr Averin, a team leader, a drill rig operator
2. Nikolay Barsukov, a drill rig operator
3. Sergey Zholtikov, a shorfirer
4. Sergey Kuznetsov, a car driver
5. Evgeny Limachko, a car driver
6. Sergey Lornhart, a mechanic
7. Evgeny Redkin, Head of the emulsion explosive manufacturing section
8. Ivan Skorokhodov, an overman
2023-08-25 09:45